Microflex "SG-375-L قفازات اختبار Safegrip ، PF Latex ، محكم ، سوار ممتد ، أزرق ، كبير ، 50 لكل صندوق ؛ 10 صندوق لكل صندوق (عبوة من 500)"...

Microflex corporation | Exam grade | High quality

MPN: SG-375-L  UPC: 13317005446  Listing: C0DD9B5AF7

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Microflex corporation | Exam grade | High quality
Product DescriptionFor over 25 years, Microflex has been developing gloves specific to our customers’ needs. As a leader in the medical examination glove marketplace, Microflex designs gloves to meet or exceed the expectations our customers hold. Microflex has an innovative approach to glove design and manufacturing. We design gloves to help people do their jobs better, and more importantly, to protect them when they need it, no matter what the task. Microflex brand products are tailored specifically for a broad range of industries. We are proud of our reputation as The Most Trusted Name in Gloves, and work to consistently deliver the highest quality, comfort, and reliability, box after box, case after case.Manufacturer Contact Information1-800-876-6866
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June 12th -   66.10 AED
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Microflex "SG-375-L Safegrip-Untersuchungshandschuhe, PF-Latex, strukturiert, verlängerte Manschette, blau, groß, 50 pro Box; 10 Kartons pro Karton (500 Stück)"

Microflex SG-375-L Safegrip 检查手套,PF 乳胶,纹理,加长袖口,蓝色,大号,每盒 50 只;每箱 10 盒(每包 500 个)

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Microflex "Gants d'examen SG-375-L Safegrip, latex PF, texturé, manchette allongée, bleu, grand, 50 par boîte ; 10 boîtes par caisse (paquet de 500)"

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Microflex "Luvas de exame Safegrip SG-375-L, látex PF, texturizadas, punho estendido, azul, grande, 50 por caixa; 10 caixas por caixa (pacote com 500)"

Microflex "SG-375-L Safegrip 시험 장갑, PF 라텍스, 질감, 확장 커프스, 파란색, 대형, 상자당 50개; 케이스당 10박스(500팩)"

11/22/2024 06:25:21 [WSPG64404F3E6A95AE3D26FB] [DM-N]